Anxiety Support Group

Our groups are currently paused for the holiday season, they will begin again in April 2022.

You find yourself feeling restless or on-edge. Most of the time, social situations make you so nervous that you don’t go. The thought of being around other people, strangers, and friends alike, is really overwhelming. There are many times when you just cannot stop worrying. It feels like no matter how hard you try to ‘relax’, your mind doesn’t stop. What you’ve done to control your anxiety hasn’t worked. So, you’ve decided that reaching out for help is the next step. Maybe you’d like to learn ways to handle your anxiety. Possibly doing so in a setting with others who experience the same challenges as you. If this sounds familiar,  we’ve got a solution that can help. We offer many options for online support groups, and you might benefit from an anxiety support group.

An anxiety support group may be the solution you’ve been looking for.

A girl sits alone looking worried. She is looking forward to beginning an anxiety support group in Atlanta, GA with Faith and Family Empowerment.

You’ve decided that an online support group makes the most sense for your situation. However, you don’t want to compromise on receiving these services. Our online therapists understand.  Start with an online anxiety support group at Faith and Family Empowerment. Our therapists specialize in helping people dealing with anxiety. An online anxiety support group will take place the use of a secure video chat. This way, we’re able to offer you a great experience with other members of the online support group. All of this without leaving your house!

Benefits of Online Anxiety Support Group

  • An online support group helps you realize that you are not alone. When Yalom had members of his process groups write the one thing that they wouldn’t share, similar themes emerged. Most people felt alienated and alone with their secrets. They also felt unloved. Group therapy reduces alienation and isolation by allowing us to realize that we are all in this together.
  • Joining an online support group for anxiety can improve your social skills. Communicating with other people is tough when you feel anxious. As a result, people will likely reach out to others less. In online support groups, one can begin to build the social skills necessary to have better interactions outside of the group.
  • Online support groups for anxiety allows you to learn more about yourself. By talking about your fears and challenges, you begin to feel a sense of freedom and empowerment.
  • An online support group also allows you to help others. Within the group, you will find other people are experiencing the same challenges that you are. In the group setting, you can begin to support one another and grow together.

How Anxiety Support Group Can Help

An individual uses a laptop for an online support group. She is happy with her decision to start an online anxiety support group in Atlanta, GA with Faith and Family Empowerment.

 Participation in an online support group for anxiety can help you to challenge their insecurities and fears in a place where there is a connection. Beliefs about ourselves and our situations can be heard, affirmed, or challenged in a safe environment where people build connections with one another. Within an online support group, your voice can be expressed in a way that allows you to grow as a person. In addition, you’ll learn skills that you can use in your everyday life outside of the session.

Is Online Support Effective?

 Research tells us that many people benefit from participating in an anxiety support group. Often times, we feel like we’re the only ones that experience anxiety symptoms. And, this can make us feel isolated. Joining an anxiety support group can help you learn skills to cope with your anxiety, as well as help other people navigate situations that are making them anxious.

Begin Online Anxiety Support Group in Georgia with Faith and Family Empowerment

Online support groups for anxiety and depression meets bi-weekly on Wednesdays from 7:00 to 8:30 pm. The group is private pay only and requires an eight-session commitment and pre-interview by one of the group co-leaders, William Hemphill, LPC, or Dr. Jessica Buchholz, Psy D.

We can help you anywhere in the state with online therapy in Georgia. To start your online support group  journey, follow these simple steps:

  1. Contact me and request an appointment.
  2. Get to know your new anxiety therapist.
  3. Begin to manage your anxiety in a safe environment where you can connect with others.

A woman smiles while using her laptop. She is feeling happy since starting an anxiety support group in Atlanta, GA with Faith and Family Empowerment.

Other Mental Health Services Offered in Georgia

At Faith and Family Empowerment, we offer many services through online therapy in Georgia. Currently, our Atlanta-based counseling clinic is closed. We offer services to individuals, couples, and groups. For individuals, we offer depression counseling, anxiety therapy, grief counseling, and relationship counseling for singles. When working with couples, we offer marriage counseling, and premarital counseling, and affair recovery.  For groups, we offer online support groups for depression and anxiety. In addition, we offer adoption counseling.  Our therapists at Faith and Family Empowerment are excited to work with you!


315 West Ponce de Leon Avenue
Decatur, GA 30030, suite 842
(678) 257-7831



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