
Self-Care for Parents

Shows an interracial family sitting on the couch reading a book. Represents how a therapist decatur ga and online therapy in atlanta, ga can help you come up with a self care plan.

As a parent, the summer is a time to cherish your children and create happy memories. However, it can also be a stressful and overwhelming time as you balance family activities, work responsibilities, and keeping up with household chores. But as they are going back to school, you have less time to take care of yourself. It's hard to be...[ read more ]

Fresh Ideas for Spring Dates: Insights from a Marriage Counselor in Atlanta, GA

Shows a young black couple with one sitting in a chair and one in a wheelchair outside eating lunch. Represents how a marriage counselor in Atlanta, GA, who is a therapist in decatur, ga, can help you reconnect.

The winter weather is gone and spring is officially here. As the flowers bloom and the days get longer, many couples are looking for fresh ideas to rekindle their romance and spend quality time together. As a marriage counselor in Atlanta, GA, I have seen firsthand how important it is for partners to continue dating and nurturing their relationship. So,...[ read more ]

Christmas Traditions for Stronger Marriages

Shows a couple holding hands. Represents how atlanta christian marriage counseling can support your marriage. Search "christian counseling in atlanta, ga" today!

When you were growing up, you were surrounded by traditions and special moments during the holiday season. These traditions were created with your family, and they hold a special place in your heart. But now that you're married, it's important to create new traditions in your marriage. As a couple and merge the ones from your childhood. As Christian couples,...[ read more ]

The Intersection of Identity and Therapy: A Black Therapist in Decatur, GA

Shows a black therapist decatur ga. Represents how online therapy in georgia can be so supportive with a therapist that understands your culture.

In the realm of therapy, the intersection of identity and healing is a profound concept. You see, finding a therapist who truly understands your cultural background is important. Finding a therapist that understands your unique experiences, your struggles, and joys. And it just got easier. With online therapy in Georgia, you can connect with a black therapist in Decatur, GA....[ read more ]

3 Ways Relationship Therapy for One Can Help Your Marriage

A couple embrace while standing close to one another. They are feeling much happier after starting marriage counseling in Atlanta, GA with Faith and Family Empowerment. Learn more about relationship therapy for one in Atlanta, GA and other services by contacting an online therapist in Atlanta, GA.

Even happily married couples can hit obstacles along the way. When this happens, couples can try to go it alone and try to work through their issues themselves. Or, they can seek the guidance of a trained and experienced marriage counselor. Some couples feel their problems should be kept private. But, many more are finding the value of seeking help from...[ read more ]

3 Ingredients to a Happy Marriage

A couple walks down the front steps of the church after their wedding. They are happy with their previous decision to start marriage counseling in Decatur, GA with Faith and Family Empowerment. Learn more about Atlanta Christian marriage counseling by reaching out to a marriage counselor in Norcross, GA today! 30030

Have you ever wondered why some marriages last decades while others barely go two years? Why do some couples thrive and grow together while others crash and burn? The secret? There are three secrets, actually; three ingredients to a happy and successful marriage. Without all three of these, many couples will struggle to remain connected and committed. 1st Ingredient to...[ read more ]

Feeling Disconnected? Here are 3 Ways to Reconnect

A couple sits next to each other over looking the city. They are feeling much happier after they decided to pursue couples therapy in Atlanta, GA with Faith and Family Empowerment.

Thanks to Hollywood, many couples have been led to believe the secret to reconnecting and rekindling the passion is through a Caribbean cruise, sports cars, or jewelry. But the reality is, once there’s a disconnect between partners, gifts and vacations simply won’t cut it. It may seem counterintuitive, but love is mended not through grandiose deeds, but through small acts...[ read more ]

315 West Ponce de Leon Avenue
Decatur, GA 30030, suite 842
(678) 257-7831



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