
Why Do Couples Go to Counseling?

A couple engaging in a session with a marriage counselor in Atlanta, GA, working through their issues and strengthening their communication. Marriage counseling in Atlanta, GA can help couples build healthier relationships.

You and your partner are considering marriage counseling, but you can't help but wonder why couples go to counseling in the first place. Is it only when they are on the brink of divorce? Maybe it is a last resort? To be truthful, this is often what couples do but that doesn't mean marriage counseling is only for troubled relationships....[ read more ]

Why Every Couple Should Consider a Marital Intensive

Shows a couple sitting in an office with the main focus on the marriage counselor. Represents how a marital intensive with a marriage counselor in Atlanta, GA could be better than marriage counseling in Decatur, GA.

As a marriage counselor in Atlanta, GA, I get this question a lot, "Why should a couple consider a marital intensive?" My answer is always the same. It's an investment in your most valuable relationship - your marriage.  Couples often come to me when they are on the brink of divorce, feeling like they have exhausted all other options and...[ read more ]

Marital Intensives: Benefits of an Intensive

Shows a couple sitting in marriage counseling in Decatur, GA talking to a therapist. Represents how a marriage counselor in Atlanta, GA can help you focus on your relationship and work through issues.

When people think of marriage counseling, they might hesitant. They may think, "Do we really need this? Our relationship isn't that bad..." then they start thinking back. Well, I do tend to yell at my partner rather than calmly communicate my feelings. And we haven't had a real date night in months. But what if there was a way to...[ read more ]

Marriage Becomes More Difficult As Children Enter the Teen Years

A couple and a family member smiling together, representing the importance of family connections, with a subtle nod to the challenges couples face when children enter the teen years. Seeking marriage counseling in Atlanta or guidance from a marriage counselor in Atlanta, GA can help couples navigate these changes.

When you start off married, the only focus outside of work and hobbies are each other. Marriage is an exciting journey that begins with two people committing to love and support each other for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, until death do them apart. But as the years pass by, couples often face new challenges that...[ read more ]

Managing Expectations: What to Do If Your Family Doesn’t Approve of Your Partner

Shows a woman frustrated and holding her head. Represents how a marriage counselor in Atlanta, GA can help couples navigate family challenges in marriage counseling in Atlanta, GA.

The holidays are approaching, and with them comes introducing your partner to your family. Family gatherings seem to be the easiest place to introduce your partner to your loved ones, but what happens if your family doesn't approve of your significant other? First, I need to note that if you're my daughter and you're reading this, this doesn't apply to...[ read more ]

How to Ease Your Anxiety When Introducing Your Significant Other to Your Family at Christmas

Shows a couple at a family dinner smiling. Represents how a marriage counselor in atlanta, ga paired with online therapy atlanta can help with anxiety around the holidays.

It's time for the holidays, only this time you're bringing your significant other home to meet the family. You're excited for your special person to meet the people who raised you and are a big part of your support system. But, at the same time, you're nervous. Maybe even feeling a bit of anxiety. While, this is completely normal, being...[ read more ]

Affordable Date Ideas for College Students in Atlanta

Shows a college student holding a book, wearing a coral shirt, and smiling while a backpack on. Represents how a marriage counselor in Atlanta, GA providing services via online therapy in atlanta, ga can support students.

As a college student, it can be difficult to go on dates. Especially, when your money is being spent on tuition, books, and other expenses. However, that doesn't mean you have to sacrifice romance and quality time with your partner. Luckily, Atlanta has plenty of affordable date ideas that will still make for a memorable and enjoyable experience. Because, let's...[ read more ]

Understanding and Managing Relationship Anxiety as a Young Adult in Atlanta

Shows a couple who are having an argument and look anxious. Represents how an anxiety therapist decatur, ga can support anxious couples with online therapy atlanta if space is needed.

As a young adult in Atlanta or anywhere else, relationships are hard. You may find yourself constantly worrying about your partner leaving you, being cheated on, or not being good enough. This type of anxiety is common and can be known as relationship anxiety. However, your world as a young adult is full of anxiety. You're probably anxious about more...[ read more ]

What are Some Red Flags to Look Out for While Dating?

Shows a couple out at a restaurant and the man is handing the woman a rose. Represents how a therapist decatur ga and a marriage counselor in atlanta, ga can support you in finding red flags.

Dating is not easy, especially when it comes to finding the right person. I know because I'm a therapist in Decatur, GA who hears all about it. Sometimes it can be easy to get so caught up in the excitement of a new relationship. To the point that you overlook certain red flags. But, these flags are warning signs that...[ read more ]

Why Do Most People Ignore Red Flags in a Relationship?

Shows a sad, young black woman with her hands up to her face. Represents how online therapy in Atlanta, GA and a therapist decatur ga can help you notice the red flags in your relationships.

When you're hearing your friends talk about relationships, the term "red flags" can come up quite often. You might even hear this term on social media, in romcoms, or even reality TV. Red flags are the warning signs that alert us to potential problems or issues in a relationship. They can vary from small things like not picking up the...[ read more ]

315 West Ponce de Leon Avenue
Decatur, GA 30030, suite 842
(678) 257-7831



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