Spiritual Intimacy and Marriage

A couple sits very close to each other smiling. A graphic reads, " Tips To Improve Communication With Your Spouse." These tips come from marriage counselor in Atlanta, GA with Faith and Family Empowerment.

One of the things that I believe is important to a marriage is the ability to pray together. Especially if two spiritual people are joined together, his should be an important part of that connection. There are three things that I find happen when couples pray together.

Closeness and Intimacy Increase

Because the two of you are connecting together with the divine presence of God, as you are drawn closer to God you are naturally drawn closer to each other. In many ways this is the most powerful connection two people can have, even beyond sexual intimacy. We are talking about spiritual intimacy. It’s the ability to make the connection between you, your spouse, and God.

Encourages Forgiveness and Repentance in a Peaceful Environment.

On this one I speak from personal experience. When we have that spiritual intimacy between ourselves, our lovers, and God then it often promotes an opportunity to look at ourselves. Am I REALLY doing all that I can to promote peacefulness in my house? Am I TRULY honoring my spouse and caring or his or her needs? What areas of selfishness do I need to consider and work on to draw us closer? Is there some thing I need to apologize to him or her for that I have done? Do I need his or her help in an area of weakness or struggle?

These are some of the things that have come to me as I tried to build spiritual intimacy between my spouse, God, and myself. God has a way of challenging us to look introspectively at ourselves. God also challenges us to look at our marriage introspectively and see what we can do to improve our relationships.

Spiritual Intimacy Brings Security.

There is nothing like understanding that you or in this case we, are not in a situation alone Whether its financial problems, difficulty raising children, health challenges, infertility, or an other problem that may come in a marriage, there is a reassuredness in knowing that the divine presence of God is walking with you during that time.

When there is a raise in salary, an excellent job review or promotion, a purchase of a new home, a milestone for your children, there is nothing like celebrating the blessings that God brings. Spiritual intimacy between you, you spouse, and God lets you know that you are not alone, but that God is with you through the good times and the challenging ones.

So my encouragement in closing is to build that spiritual intimacy in your marriage through praying together. It doesn’t have to be long prayer but it has to be an honest prayer that will draw the three of you closer together. A threefold cord is not easily broken.

Begin Christian Marriage Counseling in Atlanta, GA

Working with a Christian marriage counselor can provide spiritual support and understanding to help your relationship thrive. If your relationship could benefit from this understanding our Atlanta, GA-based counseling practice would be honored to help you. You can meet with a caring therapist to discuss how spirituality affects your relationship. To start your therapy journey, please follow these steps:

  1. Request an appointment 
  2. Learn more about me, William, your new therapist
  3. Feel more comfortable with your spirituality and marriage

Other Services Offered at Faith and Family Empowerment

Marriage counseling is not the only service we offer from our Atlanta, GA-based counseling practice. Other services include treatment for depression, anxiety, and relationship counseling for one. We also provide discernment counselingaffair recovery, premarital counseling, online support groups for depression and anxiety. Feel free to learn more by visiting our blog or FAQ!

315 West Ponce de Leon Avenue
Decatur, GA 30030, suite 842

(678) 257-7831



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